Kryx / Suvorov

Star System Summary

System: Kryx
Level: 20
Planets: 1
Moons: 7
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Inorganic Score: 15
Organic Score: 4
Inoganic Resources: H2O, Cu, Fe, Ni, U, Co, Au, Pu, F, Al, He-3, Be, Nd, Cl, Pb, SiH3Cl, Li, Ar
Organic Resources: Nutrient, Sealant, Structural, Adhesive, Amino Acids, Toxin

System: Kryx
Planet: Suvorov
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 1.04
Temperature: Frozen
Atmosphere: Std O2
Magnetosphere: Powerful
Water: Chemical
Environment:  Not extreme
Inorganics:  H2OWater  CuCopper  FFluorine  
Organics: Adhesive  Amino Acids  Nutrient  Toxin  
Fauna: 3
Flora: 1
Traits: 1
Biomes: Frozen Crevasses
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

ToxinStinging IcestalkFloraFrozen Crevasses
AdhesiveGryllobaFaunaFrozen CrevassesResists: Energy damage, Physical damage Abilities: Fast attacks, Ranged mouth attack Notes: Comes in Immature, Young, Juvenile and Adult variants 
NutrientFlocking Clawback FiltererFaunaFrozen CrevassesTemperment: Wary Resists: Energy damage, Physical damage 
Amino AcidsDo Crimson Fleet QuestFaunaTemperment: Aggressive Notes: I had only 2 fauna completed. Then I ddid the quest that take you iside of the lock and when I emerged I had all 3 done. No idea what the 3rd one was. Sorry.