Jaffa / Jaffa II

Star System Summary

System: Jaffa
Level: 35
Planets: 8
Moons: 12
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Inorganic Score: 55
Organic Score: 10
Inoganic Resources: Fe, Pb, U, HnCn, W, Ti, Dy, Cl, H2O, SiH3Cl, Co, Ni, He-3, Cu, F, Au, Hg, Li, Ir, Pd, Pu, V, Ar, R-COC, Al, Be, xF4, Ag, C6Hn, Eu, Nd
Organic Resources: Membrane, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Sealant, Structural, Toxin, Fiber, Hallucinogen, Hypercatalyst, Pigment, Sedative

System: Jaffa
Planet: Jaffa II
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 1.61
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Extr O2
Magnetosphere: Unknown
Water: Biological
Environment:  Not extreme
Inorganics:  AuGold  ClChlorine  CuCopper  FFluorine  H2OWater  HgMercury  LiLithium  PbLead  
Organics: Membrane  Metabolic Agent  Nutrient  Sealant  Structural  Toxin  
Fauna: 4
Flora: 3
Traits: Sentient Microbial Colony, Amphibious Foothold, Aeriform Life
Biomes: Wetlands, Frozen Plains, Ocean, Tropical Forest, Deciduous Forest,
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

MembraneHerding Wobbleback HerbivoreFaunaDeciduous Forest, Tropical Forest, WetlandsTemperment: Defensive 
SealantHunting CoralcrabFaunaDeciduous Forest, Tropical Forest, WetlandsTemperment: Defensive Abilities: Camouflaged 
Metabolic AgentMire RootFloraDeciduous Forest, Tropical Forest, Wetlands
NutrientMoth VineFloraDeciduous Forest, Tropical Forest
Metabolic AgentSaturnine Filterer 
Non-lethal Harvest
FaunaDeciduous Forest, Tropical Forest, WetlandsTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Flier. Health: 20 
StructuralSpirit Laurel 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraDeciduous Forest, Tropical Forest, Wetlands
ToxinTrilobyte FiltererFaunaDeciduous Forest, Frozen Plains, Tropical Forest, WetlandsTemperment: Wary Notes: Easy to find on Frozen Plains. Health: 20