Charybdis / Charybdis IV
Star System Summary
System: Charybdis
Level: 65
Planets: 9
Moons: 10
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Inorganic Score: 52
Organic Score: 24
Inoganic Resources: Cl, Co, Fe, H2O, Ni, Pb, Pt, Ta, Al, Ar, Be, SiH3Cl, Nd, Eu, U, Cu, Au, He-3, Sb, Ti, W, F, Ir, HnCn, xF4, Hg, C6Hn, R-COC, Ne, Cs
Organic Resources: Adhesive, Amino Acids, Cosmetic, Fiber, Hypercatalyst, Membrane, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Ornamental, Pigment, Sealant, Spice, Structural, Toxin, Hallucinogen, Lubricant, Solvent
Charybdis Planet: Charybdis IV Surface: Rock Gravity: 0.83 Temperature: Cold Atmosphere: High CO2 Magnetosphere: Average Water: None |
Not extreme Inorganics: H2OWater CuCopper NiNickel UUranium CoCobalt AuGold Organics: Nutrient Structural Fauna: 0 Flora: 2 Traits: 3 Biomes: Frozen Mountains, Plateau, Rocky Desert Survey: Complete Notes: |
Fauna & Flora
Resource | Name | Type | Biomes | Notes |
Nutrient | Prickly Awaj Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Rocky Desert | |
Structural | Eurymedon Bulb Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Plateau |