Bolivar / Bolivar I

Star System Summary

System: Bolivar
Level: 35
Planets: 1
Moons: 0
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Inorganic Score: 1
Organic Score: 2
Inoganic Resources: H2O, Cl, Cu, Ni, Pb, W
Organic Resources: Fiber, Hallucinogen, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Sealant, Structural, Toxin

System: Bolivar
Planet: Bolivar I
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 0.82
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Std O2
Magnetosphere: Weak
Water: Biological
Environment:  Not extreme
Inorganics:  H2OWater  ClChlorine  CuCopper  NiNickel  PbLead  WTungsten  
Organics: Fiber  Hallucinogen  Metabolic Agent  Nutrient  Sealant  Structural  Toxin  
Fauna: 3
Flora: 4
Traits: 1
Biomes: Deciduous Forest, Frozen Plains, Hills, Ocean, Savanna, Tropical Forest, Wetlands
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

FiberRed LatticbulbFloraDeciduous Forest, Hills, Savanna
HallucinogenHunting BrainsquidFaunaDeciduous Forest, Hills, Savanna, Tropical Forest, WetlandsTemperment: Fearless Abilities: Venemous 
Metabolic AgentTubule FiltererFaunaDeciduous Forest, Frozen Plains, Hills, Savanna, Tropical Forest, WetlandsTemperment: Peaceful 
NutrientDesiccated Yarberry 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraTropical Forest, Wetlands
SealantExplorer's Coleus 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraDeciduous Forest, Hills, Tropical Forest, Wetlands
StructuralLattice Leaf 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraDeciduous Forest, Savanna, Tropical Forest, Wetlands
ToxinHerding Marnok ScavengerFaunaDeciduous Forest, Hills, Savanna, Tropical Forest, WetlandsTemperment: Wary Abilities: Camouflaged