Bel / Bel II

Star System Summary

System: Bel
Level: 55
Planets: 7
Moons: 11
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Inorganic Score: 36
Organic Score: 20
Inoganic Resources: Co, Cu, Fe, H2O, HnCn, Ni, Sb, U, Ar, Cl, F, R-COC, SiH3Cl, Al, Be, He-3, C6Hn, Li, Pd, xF4, Nd, Eu, Pb, Pt, Ta
Organic Resources: Adhesive, Amino Acids, Analgesic, Antimicrobial, Aromatic, Fiber, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Polymer, Sealant, Structural, Toxin, Memory Substrate, Ornamental

System: Bel
Planet: Bel II
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 1.31
Temperature: Cold
Atmosphere: High O2 (Tox)
Magnetosphere: Average
Water: Biological
Environment:   Extremely toxic atmosphere(Extr)
Inorganics:  H2OWater  AlAluminum  ArArgon  ClChlorine  C6HnBenzene  LiLithium  
Organics: Antimicrobial  Aromatic  Fiber  Memory Substrate  Metabolic Agent  Nutrient  Ornamental  Structural  Toxin  
Fauna: 5
Flora: 4
Traits: 3
Biomes: Coniferous Forest, Frozen Dunes, Savanna
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

AromaticAbyss Pine Seedling 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest
ToxinCanary ReedFloraSavanna
Memory SubstrateDrone FiltererFaunaConiferous Forest, Frozen Dunes, SavannaTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Peaceful, flier. They drop the unique Memory Substrate so they are likely the only source for that. 
NutrientFallen Star PalmFloraSavanna
StructuralForest Wisp 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest
Metabolic AgentGrabber GrazerFaunaSavanna
AntimicrobialHerding Biomane HerbivoreFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Defensive Notes: Defensive Health: 120 
OrnamentalHerding Seabat GrazerFaunaSavannaTemperment: Wary Notes: Wary, Fliers Health: 545. Attacks deplete O2 
FiberHunting TrihornFaunaConiferous Forest, SavannaTemperment: Territorial Notes: Territorial. Resists energy and physical damage. Abilities: Laceration damage