Bardeen / Bardeen III
Star System Summary
System: Bardeen
Level: 70
Planets: 7
Moons: 13
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Inorganic Score: 54
Organic Score: 22
Inoganic Resources: Cl, Co, Fe, Ni, SiH3Cl, Ta, U, Ag, HnCn, Pb, H2O, Ar, R-COC, Al, He-3, Nd, Li, Ir, Cu, Pt, Xe, F, Ti, xF4, Ne, Yb, Cs
Organic Resources: Amino Acids, Analgesic, Cosmetic, Fiber, Gastronomic Delight, Lubricant, Membrane, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Pigment, Polymer, Sealant, Sedative, Spice, Structural, Toxin, Antimicrobial
Bardeen Planet: Bardeen III Surface: Rock Gravity: 0.95 Temperature: Temperate Atmosphere: Std O2 Magnetosphere: Weak Water: Safe |
Not extreme Inorganics: H2OWater ArArgon ClChlorine FeIron NiNickel CoCobalt SiH3ClChlorosilanes R-COCCarboxylic Acids Organics: Amino Acids Analgesic Cosmetic Fiber Gastronomic Delight Lubricant Membrane Metabolic Agent Nutrient Pigment Polymer Sealant Sedative Spice Structural Toxin Fauna: 11 Flora: 8 Traits: 2 Biomes: Deciduous Forest, Frozen Plains, Hills, Mountains, Ocean, Wetlands Survey: Complete Notes: No structures here. |
Fauna & Flora
Resource | Name | Type | Biomes | Notes |
Nutrient | Atlas Weed Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Deciduous Forest, Mountains | |
Fiber | Bleeding Heart Vine | Flora | Hills, Mountains | |
Lubricant | Bowing Shadeleaf Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Frozen Plains, Hills | |
Metabolic Agent | Flocking Roundface Herbivore Non-lethal Harvest Can be raised at an outpost | Fauna | Deciduous Forest, Hills, Mountains | Temperment: Territorial |
Cosmetic | Frost Reed Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Frozen Plains, Mountains | |
Metabolic Agent | Gnaw Stalk | Flora | Wetlands | |
Pigment | Grabber Grazer | Fauna | Deciduous Forest, Hills, Mountains | Temperment: Wary |
Sealant | Herding Dragon Scavenger Non-lethal Harvest Can be raised at an outpost | Fauna | Frozen Plains, Wetlands | Temperment: Wary |
Gastronomic Delight | Herding Hornface Herbivore Can be raised at an outpost | Fauna | Deciduous Forest, Wetlands | Temperment: Skittish |
Amino Acids | Herding Spiderwasp Grazer Non-lethal Harvest Can be raised at an outpost | Fauna | Deciduous Forest, Wetlands | Temperment: Wary |
Toxin | Leafy Morningstar Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Deciduous Forest | |
Analgesic | Nebula Weed Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Deciduous Forest, Hills, Wetlands | |
Spice | Pack Exocrawler Non-lethal Harvest | Fauna | Deciduous Forest, Hills, Mountains | Temperment: Wary |
Polymer | Pack Horsamander | Fauna | Frozen Plains, Wetlands | Temperment: Wary |
Membrane | Parrothawk Scavenger | Fauna | Deciduous Forest, Hills, Mountains, Wetlands | Temperment: Peaceful |
Sealant | Rotting Stinkroot Can be raised at an outpost | Flora | Wetlands | |
Structural | Schooling Kronosaurus Scavenger | Fauna | Ocean, Wetlands | Temperment: Wary |
Sedative | Swarming Clickbeetle | Fauna | Deciduous Forest, Wetlands | Temperment: Wary |
Nutrient | Tubecrawler Scavenger | Fauna | Frozen Plains, Wetlands | Temperment: Skittish |