Cheyenne / Akila

Star System Summary

System: Cheyenne
Level: 1
Planets: 9
Moons: 26
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Inorganic Score: 67
Organic Score: 23
Inoganic Resources: H2O, Cu, Ar, C6Hn, He-3, Fe, Al, Be, Co, Ni, Cl, HnCn, R-COC, Ag, Pb, xF4, Au, F, Ti, W, Pd, IL, Pt, Yb, Ir, U, V, Eu, Hg, Nd, Ne
Organic Resources: Antimicrobial, Aromatic, Cosmetic, Fiber, Hallucinogen, Nutrient, Sealant, Solvent, Structural, Toxin, Analgesic, Membrane, Amino Acids, Metabolic Agent, Pigment, Spice

System: Cheyenne
Planet: Akila
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 1.51
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: High O2
Magnetosphere: Very Strong
Water: Biological
Environment:  Not extreme
Inorganics:  AlAluminum  ArArgon  C6HnBenzene  CoCobalt  H2OWater  NiNickel  
Organics: Antimicrobial  Aromatic  Cosmetic  Fiber  Hallucinogen  Nutrient  Sealant  Solvent  Structural  Toxin  
Fauna: 10
Flora: 5
Traits: 2
Biomes: Coniferous Forest, Frozen Plains, Ocean, Savanna
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

AntimicrobialAshtaFaunaConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains, SavannaTemperment: Fearless Abilities: Ranged mouth attack Notes: Health: 300 - 2040. Very aggressive, Fearless. Ranged Mouth Attack. 
AntimicrobialBaleen Rotifer 
Non-lethal Harvest
FaunaFrozen Plains, SavannaTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Flier. 
SealantBuzzrunnerFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Defensive Abilities: Fast attacks Notes: Somewhat rare 
NutrientCanary ReedFloraConiferous Forest
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains
NutrientCold Cave Nettle 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraFrozen Plains
AromaticCrawling EurypteridFaunaFrozen PlainsTemperment: Wary Notes: Wary. Large colonies of these in the Conif. Forest. 
StructuralDropsalmFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Defensive Abilities: Venomous Notes: Spider-like creature. Rare. Found in the flat lands. Burrows. 
NutrientElk Crangon 
Can be raised at an outpost
FaunaFrozen Plains, SavannaTemperment: Wary Notes: Wary. Health: 95 
CosmeticFlying LeechFaunaFrozen PlainsTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Health: 20 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains, Savanna
ToxinGrazing Ensifer 
Can be raised at an outpost
FaunaConiferous Forest, SavannaTemperment: Wary Resists: Energy damage, Physical damage Notes: Health: 50 - 70 
HallucinogenMossgnathFaunaSavannaTemperment: Defensive Notes: Defensive. Huge creatures. 
SolventRainbow AgnathanFaunaOceanTemperment: Defensive Abilities: Laceration damage Notes: Abilities Laercation Damage. Health: 170 
FiberSavanna SweetbushFloraConiferous Forest, Savanna