Bel / Bel II

Star System Summary

System: Bel
Level: 55
Planets: 7
Moons: 11
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Inorganic Score: 36
Organic Score: 20
Inoganic Resources: Co, Cu, Fe, H2O, HnCn, Ni, Sb, U, Ar, Cl, F, R-COC, SiH3Cl, Al, Be, He-3, C6Hn, Li, Pd, xF4, Nd, Eu, Pb, Pt, Ta
Organic Resources: Adhesive, Amino Acids, Analgesic, Antimicrobial, Aromatic, Fiber, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Polymer, Sealant, Structural, Toxin, Memory Substrate, Ornamental

System: Bel
Planet: Bel II
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 1.31
Temperature: Cold
Atmosphere: High O2 (Tox)
Magnetosphere: Average
Water: Biological
Environment:   Extremely toxic atmosphere(Extr)
Inorganics:  H2OWater  AlAluminum  ArArgon  ClChlorine  C6HnBenzene  LiLithium  
Organics: Antimicrobial  Aromatic  Fiber  Memory Substrate  Metabolic Agent  Nutrient  Ornamental  Structural  Toxin  
Fauna: 5
Flora: 4
Traits: 3
Biomes: Coniferous Forest, Frozen Dunes, Savanna
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

Memory SubstrateDrone FiltererFaunaConiferous Forest, Frozen Dunes, SavannaTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Peaceful, flier. They drop the unique Memory Substrate so they are likely the only source for that. 
Metabolic AgentGrabber GrazerFaunaSavanna
AntimicrobialHerding Biomane HerbivoreFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Defensive Notes: Defensive Health: 120 
OrnamentalHerding Seabat GrazerFaunaSavannaTemperment: Wary Notes: Wary, Fliers Health: 545. Attacks deplete O2 
FiberHunting TrihornFaunaConiferous Forest, SavannaTemperment: Territorial Notes: Territorial. Resists energy and physical damage. Abilities: Laceration damage 
AromaticAbyss Pine Seedling 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest
ToxinCanary ReedFloraSavanna
NutrientFallen Star PalmFloraSavanna
StructuralForest Wisp 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest