Nemeria / Nemeria IV / Nemeria IV-a

Star System Summary

System: Nemeria
Level: 35
Planets: 7
Moons: 12
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Inorganic Score: 45
Organic Score: 9
Inoganic Resources: Ar, C6Hn, H2O, Cu, F, Fe, HnCn, Pb, W, Yb, Au, Sb, Al, Co, Dy, Ni, Pd, U, V, Cl, Ne, Ag, R-COC, He-3, Be, xF4
Organic Resources: Antimicrobial, Fiber, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Ornamental, Sealant, Sedative, Structural, Toxin, Adhesive, Polymer

System: Nemeria
Planet: Nemeria IV
Moon: Nemeria IV-a
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 0.4
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Thin O2
Magnetosphere: Average
Water: Safe
Environment:  Not extreme
Inorganics:  H2OWater  AlAluminum  ArArgon  CuCopper  PbLead  C6HnBenzene  FFluorine  SbAntimony  
Organics: Antimicrobial  Fiber  Metabolic Agent  Nutrient  Ornamental  Sealant  Sedative  Structural  Toxin  
Fauna: 3
Flora: 6
Traits: 2
Biomes: Coniferous Forest, Frozen Plains, Mountains, Ocean, Plateau, Savanna, Swamp
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

AntimicrobialFlocking Brainblimp FiltererFaunaConiferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Plateau, SavannaTemperment: Wary Notes: Flier 
OrnamentalJellyfin ScavengerFaunaConiferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Plateau, SavannaTemperment: Wary Notes: Flier. Health: 20 
SedativePack WhalesharkFaunaConiferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Plateau, SavannaTemperment: Defensive Notes: Flier 
NutrientBlue Weeping Bulb 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Savanna, Swamp
ToxinMountain SilkweedFloraConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains, Mountains, Plateau
FiberSatellite GhostvineFloraDeciduous Forest, Plateau, Savanna
StructuralSpitting PokeweedFloraConiferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Plateau, Savanna, Swamp
Metabolic AgentStinging Ice StalkFloraConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains, Mountains
SealantSweet Yellow Creeper 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Savanna, Swamp