Cheyenne / Akila

Star System Summary

System: Cheyenne
Level: 1
Planets: 9
Moons: 26
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Inorganic Score: 67
Organic Score: 23
Inoganic Resources: H2O, Cu, Ar, C6Hn, He-3, Fe, Al, Be, Co, Ni, Cl, HnCn, R-COC, Ag, Pb, xF4, Au, F, Ti, W, Pd, IL, Pt, Yb, Ir, U, V, Eu, Hg, Nd, Ne
Organic Resources: Antimicrobial, Aromatic, Cosmetic, Fiber, Hallucinogen, Nutrient, Sealant, Solvent, Structural, Toxin, Analgesic, Membrane, Amino Acids, Metabolic Agent, Pigment, Spice

System: Cheyenne
Planet: Akila
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 1.51
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: High O2
Magnetosphere: Very Strong
Water: Biological
Environment:  Not extreme
Inorganics:  AlAluminum  ArArgon  C6HnBenzene  CoCobalt  H2OWater  NiNickel  
Organics: Antimicrobial  Aromatic  Cosmetic  Fiber  Hallucinogen  Nutrient  Sealant  Solvent  Structural  Toxin  
Fauna: 10
Flora: 5
Traits: 2
Biomes: Coniferous Forest, Frozen Plains, Ocean, Savanna
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

AntimicrobialAshtaFaunaConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains, SavannaTemperment: Fearless Abilities: Ranged mouth attack Notes: Health: 300 - 2040. Very aggressive, Fearless. Ranged Mouth Attack. 
AntimicrobialBaleen Rotifer 
Non-lethal Harvest
FaunaFrozen Plains, SavannaTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Flier. 
SealantBuzzrunnerFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Defensive Abilities: Fast attacks Notes: Somewhat rare 
AromaticCrawling EurypteridFaunaFrozen PlainsTemperment: Wary Notes: Wary. Large colonies of these in the Conif. Forest. 
StructuralDropsalmFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Defensive Abilities: Venomous Notes: Spider-like creature. Rare. Found in the flat lands. Burrows. 
NutrientElk Crangon 
Can be raised at an outpost
FaunaFrozen Plains, SavannaTemperment: Wary Notes: Wary. Health: 95 
CosmeticFlying LeechFaunaFrozen PlainsTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Health: 20 
ToxinGrazing Ensifer 
Can be raised at an outpost
FaunaConiferous Forest, SavannaTemperment: Wary Resists: Energy damage, Physical damage Notes: Health: 50 - 70 
HallucinogenMossgnathFaunaSavannaTemperment: Defensive Notes: Defensive. Huge creatures. 
SolventRainbow AgnathanFaunaOceanTemperment: Defensive Abilities: Laceration damage Notes: Abilities Laercation Damage. Health: 170 
NutrientCanary ReedFloraConiferous Forest
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains
NutrientCold Cave Nettle 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraFrozen Plains
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest, Frozen Plains, Savanna
FiberSavanna SweetbushFloraConiferous Forest, Savanna