Eridani / Eridani IV

Star System Summary

System: Eridani
Level: 20
Planets: 9
Moons: 14
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Inorganic Score: 47
Organic Score: 12
Inoganic Resources: H2O, Cl, Cu, Ni, Fe, F, Co, Au, U, Ar, Ir, V, Pu, He-3, HnCn, Al, Be, Nd, Eu, Pb, Ne, W, Ti, Ag, SiH3Cl, Li, Cs
Organic Resources: Amino Acids, Aromatic, Cosmetic, Fiber, Metabolic Agent, Nutrient, Pigment, Sealant, Stimulant, Structural, Toxin, Hallucinogen

System: Eridani
Planet: Eridani IV
Surface: Rock
Gravity: 0.8
Temperature: Cold
Atmosphere: Std M (Cor)
Magnetosphere: Weak
Water: Chemical
Environment:   Extremely corrosive atmosphere(Extr)
Inorganics:  H2OWater  ArArgon  FFluorine  
Organics: Hallucinogen  Metabolic Agent  Nutrient  Pigment  Sealant  Toxin  
Fauna: 3
Flora: 3
Traits: 3
Biomes: Coniferous Forest, Frozen Mountains, Ocean
Survey: Complete

Fauna & Flora

Metabolic AgentBeetle Scavenger 
Non-lethal Harvest
FaunaConiferous Forest, Frozen MountainsTemperment: Peaceful Notes: Mews like a cat. Health: 20 
HallucinogenHerding Roundshell ScavengerFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Defensive 
PigmentHunting CrabFaunaConiferous ForestTemperment: Fearless 
SealantGolden Creeper 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest
ToxinStarburst Silkweed 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest
NutrientSweet Canis Vine 
Can be raised at an outpost
FloraConiferous Forest, Frozen Mountains