News Archives

All the news we ever "printed"


25 December 2023

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Feliz Las Posadas y Navidad! (and all other holidays at this time of year that I may be missing).

19 December 2023

Wow! My Bad!

I had to change the admin password on the database a few days ago and totally forgot to update the website with the new password! As a result I had broken the entire website! It's fixed now. My apologies to all who were affected!

11 December 2023

Things have pretty much stabilized on the web site. I'm looking forward to getting a patch that fixes alot of the bugs in the game.

5 December2023

I have added a Traits page to the website. This is not the final tool I was envisioning, but instead is the data I am using to build the final tool. I hope you find it useful!

11 December 2023

Things have pretty much stabilized on the web site. I'm looking forward to getting a patch that fixes alot of the bugs in the game.

5 December2023

I have added a Traits page to the website. This is not the final tool I was envisioning, but instead is the data I am using to build the final tool. I hope you find it useful!

27 November 2023

I added a minor feature today, a list of vending machines and where to find them. While this is not critical info, every so often you need an item from a vending machine for a cooking recipe, so it's good to know where to find them when you need them. Some cities are full of them (ie Neon City and New Atlantis) and some cities don't have any at all (ie Akila City and Gagarin Landing).

26 November 2023

I have added all of the stats and recipes to the website. You can get a quick view of them by searching the Items page for things you can make at the Pharmaceutical Lab.

25 November 2023

I have added all of the craftable foods and their effects and recipes into the website. Most items don't have a picture, but you can see what they look like in the game easily enough.

I'm still working on the Trait Tracker. I've been spendng hours each day surveying traits on planets to better understand how they work. I've learned alot during this and I think I can make a useful tool to help with the process.

23 November 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! To all of you enjoying this holiday in the US. Our Canadian brothers and sisters celebrated their Thanksgiving on October 9th of this year. No matter where you are in this world, I hope you have a fun and relaxing day!

In other news, while I get the whole Trait Tracker feature figured out, I have also recently mastered Gastronomy in the game and realized that my way of tracking information about food items (and some medical items) could definitely be improved. While most food items get seriusly disrespected on Starfield, at the top end you can make Foods that last for 12 minutes a shot with huge Damage Resistance bonuses! Look for the Cooking items to be fully fleshed out in the next week or so.

25 November 2023

I have added all of the craftable foods and their effects and recipes into the website. Most items don't have a picture, but you can see what they look like in the game easily enough.

I'm still working on the Trait Tracker. I've been spendng hours each day surveying traits on planets to better understand how they work. I've learned alot during this and I think I can make a useful tool to help with the process.

23 November 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! To all of you enjoying this holiday in the US. Our Canadian brothers and sisters celebrated their Thanksgiving on October 9th of this year. No matter where you are in this world, I hope you have a fun and relaxing day!

In other news, while I get the whole Trait Tracker feature figured out, I have also recently mastered Gastronomy in the game and realized that my way of tracking information about food items (and some medical items) could definitely be improved. While most food items get seriusly disrespected on Starfield, at the top end you can make Foods that last for 12 minutes a shot with huge Damage Resistance bonuses! Look for the Cooking items to be fully fleshed out in the next week or so.

21 November 2023

I have an idea for a Trait Tracker calculator for this site. I've spent the last week gathering infornation on traits and points of interest and I can see some interesting patterns emerging. I publishied an article with my findings yesterday, and it is already out of date.

20 November 2023

I've been working on categorizing the traits and points of interest in the game. I'm sure many of you have felt the frustration of trying to find that last trait on a planet, only to re-find traits you've already discovered. To help alleviate this problem I've been working to categorize all of the traits and points of interest to help prevent me from finding traits I've already found. It also helps to find some special, cool structure that I like to loot. I'm not sure how well it would work as a tool on the website, so I've published it as an article on here: Navigating Starfield Traits. Please give it a clap!

17 November 2023

I have just published an article on that goes into detail on surveying worlds. It includes some very handy tips for using your maps to help navigate in the wild. Check it out and let me know if you found it helpful.

16 November 2023

I'm working on a new feature that I should be able to release tomorrow or this weekend. Having surveyed every single moon and planet in the game, I've learned a bit about surveying in general and finding traits in particular. This new feature will help you find traits more reliably than before and reduce the number of duplicate traits you encounter. Too many times I have "discovered" the same trait multiple times on a planet! The madness must end!

13 November 2023

Today I discovered that I had 4 "missing" systems! It turns out they were there all along, but the connection to the View Star Systems page was incorrect. All star systems, planets and moons are now correctly recorded. There are 120 star systems, 692 planets and 1001 moons in total. 100% of all star systems have been surveyed for their planets and moons. Whew!

10 November 2023

So today I'm taking it easy and just doing some questing/exploring. I was doing some research on Gastronomy (at level 137 I'm running out of things to skill up in) and one of the thingsI needed to do my research was CAN-uck Poutine. However, finding it is no easy task. I ended up finding a vending machine on Niira at the 1-of-a-kind Salvage. It delivers random CAN-uck cans, but I now have what I need to finish that research!

9 November 2023

I have completed all life-form surveys in the game! The last one I did was on Kryx / Suvorov and it has a mystery fauna. By that I mean that I could only find the Grylloba and the Flocking Clawbackon the surface of the planet. I then did the Lock quest (part of the Crimson Fleet quest line) and when I fiinished it, I had all 3 fauna scanned. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out what the 3rd fauna was. There were some wierd balloon shaped fliers inside of the key, but they did not seem to count towards any scanning goals. Not sure what it was, but if you wanbt a complete fauna scan of Suvorov, you'll need to do the Crimson Fleet quest that takes you into the Lock.

8 November 2023

I just watched a very good video on how to acquire the SAL-6830 engine (best engine in the game) on Youtube. I am in the process today of updating the database with this information!

I added The Clinic SS to the list of ship component vendors. I've walked past this guy hundreds of times and never really noticed him, lol!

The life survey project is nearing it's completeion! Life-Bearing Planets: 172 with 13 surveys to go. 92.44% complete. I just need to buckle down and get caught with some contraband to be able to visit the Kryx system and survey there without getting swarmed by pirates! lol

7 November 2023

The life surveys continue - Life-Bearing Planets: 172 with 23 surveys to go. 86.63% complete!

I'm also chnageing the Temperment badge on the planetary lists of fauna to directly reflect the temperment of the animal. Why mouse over it if you don't have to? Temperment will appear in a color-coded box with a corresponding letter that indicates their temperment level (for folks that can't distinguish the colors):

I also found and fixed the Ship Component list for New Atlatnis. Most of the categories were blank. It's all good now! If you find any errors or omissions, please let me know and I'll fix them ASAP!

6 November, 2023

I found another world that wasn't on my star list: Porrima. I've fixed that and also performed the life surveys for the 3 life-bearing planets there, Life-Bearing Planets: 172 with 33 surveys to go. 80.81% complete. I expect to be 100% complete by the end of this coming week!

5 November 2023

While surveying worlds for life forms, I discovered that I had overlooked 2 worlds! I have added those worlds and fully surveyed them so they should be up to date! Sorry for my oversight!

4 November 2023

Progress continues on the planetary scans for life. Life-Bearing Planets: 172 with 49 surveys to go. 71.51% complete.

I'm still tweaking the style sheets for the webpage. CSS is not a core skill for me as a systems engineer. If you'd ;lije to volunteer for help, I can email you the CSS and a sample HTML file. I'm having a heck of a time getting the hamburger menu icon to be level with the website bannet at the top. Light work for someone that knows CSS well, but a mytstery to me!

2 November 2023

Planetary Surveys progress: Life-Bearing Planets: 172 with 69 surveys to go. 59.88% complete.

I have added some "mouse over" icons with tooltip to the lists of flora and fauna at each planet. They make all of the information availanble to you on the list screen without having to click on the record to see the details.

1 November 2023

The planetary syurveys continue! There are 172 life-bearing planets: with 77 surveys to go. 55.23% complete.

31 October 2023

Happy Halloween!
If ypu're celebrating the holiday, have a safe and fun one!
Just an FYI - I am focused on doing full planet syurveys of wildlife. Each one takes quite a while (an hour or two), depending on the number of life forms and whether or not the world is bugged (it happens) so the going is slow. However the good news is that I have been doing these surveys for quite a while now and I'm 49% compplete with 88 worlds left to fully explore!

29 October 2023

The new menu system is in, but has some bugs that I am still working on. However, it works great. I would like to hear back from you on whether or not you profer the menu icon on the left side of the scree (where it was before) or the right side, where it is now.

28 October 2023

As part of my initiative to make the site more mobile friendly, I am changing the menu system today. I apologize in advance because I know this kind of change is dusruptive. I really need to make this change though, both for mobile users and the well being of the site itself.

I am taking a look at the site with an eye towards improving its usability on mobile devices, especially phones. Right now it's working pretty well on desktops and large tablets, but not so well on mobile phomes. To complicate matters, as I add more functionality, I'm running out of menu space!

27 October 2023

I puplished an article on called The Top 10 Most Earth-like Worlds in Starfield. Check it out for a bit of humor mixed into the info!

26 October 2023

Today I surveyed the following planets:

There are 111 star systems, 665 planets and 968 moons surveyed so far. 100% of all star systems have been surveyed for their planets and moons.

25 October 2023

Organics is now a peer of inorganic resources! You can now search and sort, view the system-wide organic score, and more!

Today I surveyed the following planets:

There are 111 star systems, 606 planets and 877 moons surveyed so far. 89% of all star systems have been surveyed for their planets and moons. More are added daily..

24 October 2023

Starfield Omnicron now has it's own domain:! Please update your bookmarks because I will retire the old location on October 31st.

I have added the ability to search for organics on the Planets & Moons page!

I did star system surveys of:

23 October 2023

I have updated the Star Systems page so that it now also shows the summary of inorganic resources in the entire star system. This makes it much easier to browse star systems when you are evaluating them for "resource coverage" while planning your multi-outpost systems.

22 October 2023

I now understand how ship components (wepons, bays, reactors, etc) are distributed amongst the various vendors in the game. I have changed the names of some of the vendors top better reflect thier purpose. For example, "Stroud-Eklund" has been split into 2 new locations: "Stroud-Eklund Staryard" (which is in orbit in the Narion system) and "Stroud-Eklund Showroom" which is in the city of Neon

21 October 2023

I have added several new star systrem scans of planets. I have also added shi component vendors for New Homestead and Gagarin Station!

20 October, 2023

I am currently working on updating my list of ship components. I have learned alot about how the components work, and just as importantly, how different vendors have different stocks of each component!

19 October 2023

I am proud to announce the release of my newest feature for the website, the Outpost Designer! Now you can accurately design your outposts in advance, know exactly how much power is needed, where that power is being used, AND be able to see all of the raw materials you need to load into your ship to make the final outpost!

No more will you be in the middle of creating your outpost and realize you are missing 2 Tungsten (or lead, etc)!

Also, you can share your designs with friends or just save them for your own reference by copying the URL in your web browser. Here is a sample link to my Starter Outpost and Starter Outpost - Habitable as examples. Use the View Mode button to get a read-only page that is meant to be shared with others.

This is a brand new feature, so there may still be some bugs to hammer out. If you find anything wrong, please let me know on Discord, my Facebook page, or emailing me at jeff @

17 October 2023

I'm working like mad on a new feature that I think will change the way we share information about Starfield in the future! No news to report today. I just wanted to letyou know that the game is afoot!

16 October 2023

After working with the Ship Component info more closely, and designing and modifying my ships in game. the real purpose of the Max Power rating has become clear to me. The higher the number is not always better! In fact, for weapons, you want a very LOW max power rating so you can stuff more of those onto your ship and hit harder! I am reworking the analysis section of the ship component to account for this newfound knowledge. I have already updated the shields and the weapons with this info.

15 October 2023

There are 109 star systems, 488 planets and 698 moons surveyed so far. 71.5% of all star systems have been surveyed for their planets and moons. More are added daily.

I have added a Ship List feature to the main menu. The purpose of this list is to make it easy for you to identify the ships with potential highjacking value as opposed to the usual fodder ships you just destroy. The list is not yet complete, but I should have it finished in a week's time.

12 October 2023

Another big mea culpa today! I had EM weapons marked as Particle weapons and some lasers marked as ballistic weapons. If you see anything wrong, please let me know. You can reach me on discord, email me at jeff at or you can post on the new Starfield Omnicron page on Facebook.

11, October 2023

I have created a very short (less than 5 minutes) video on how to use this database. I am in the process of adding links to this video to each page, to help users that may not know how to get the most out of this website. You can view the video on Youtube.

I have added some tool-tips to the inorganic resources listed for the planets. So if you have difficulty remembering that W represents Tungsten (and who doesn't), you should enjoy this addition. Just mouse over the checmical symbol and the tool-tip will popup to show you what it means.

10, October 2023

I have added some analysis to the ship components. Now when you select a component type with analysis data (ie reactors, shields, weapons) you will see some new fields that will analyze the DPS (damage per second), Engine Thrust to Mass ratio, etc. This data will help you make better choices when selecting specific ship parts for your build!

9, October 2023

All HopeTech ship components have been added to the system. At this point, all of the 4 majro staryards are in. The old Nova Galactic parts are now included with each of the staryards, as they are shown in game.

Wow, I can't believe I had the Cheyenne system misspelled all this time! Fixed!

Today I am adding the HopeTech ship systems. I tried adding them yesterday, and I discovered my character was Kill-On-Sight to HopeTech security after I had to kill Ron Hope for the Ranger mission quest. Seems like a bug to me!

8, October 2023

I have added all Taiyo ship parts to the system.

7, October 2023

I have the first phase of the Ship Components added. Right now it only has data from DEIMOS and Stroud-Eklund parts (and all of the common parts, of course). You will see some place-holders (the fields called ratio1 .. ratio3) where I plan to add functionality to really see the differences between the major ship component types (engines, shield, reactors, etc.).

I have also added the resource scores to the Star Systems page. You can also sort several of the columns to help you more easily find what you need.

6, October 2023

I'm adding more UI improvements and alsostilladdding Ship Component information. There's is A TON of ship component data, lol!

4, October 2023

I have started the work on ship components.At this point I'm just adding data to the database. Once thhat is done, I plan to add features so you can compare and contrast components in the same category (ie compare shields or weapons, etc). Yoppu will also be able to search by staryard, etc. After the data is in, I will add some data analysis so that you can see what components provide the best value with respect to their mass and oother similar metrics.

If you have any suggestions for ways you'd like to compare and evaluate components, pleaselet me know on my discord channel!

3 October 2023

Find by Name!

I have added the ability to search for star systems, planets, moon and items by their (partial) names. Do you have a mission that directs you to a named planet or moon but you have no idea where it is (ie try Oberon)? This tool is for you. Check the main menu for the new Find by Name feature. Yoo do need to enter at least 3 characters to get the best results.

2 October, 2023

I have added the ability to search for workbenches as a search parameter for city/station locations. Yesteday I had to get 8 units of Aurora to complete a research project. I figured I could just take the Aurora to my outpost research station, outside of UC and Freestar space to do my research. Imagine my suprise when the Neon City guard arrested me (even though I paid him the "fine" at the gate). I got to keep the Aurora, but now I had to find a way to do my research in Neon City. After much searching I found a Research Lab located inside of Legrandes Liquors! It took me some time to find it though.

I'm sure there are plenty of other situations where you might want to find a Weapon Workbench, Cooking Station, etc, in the city or station you are currently in.

Surveys - Complete vs Incomplete

I have added status markers for each star system and planet to show its survey status. The status means different things for star systems vs planets and moons. Here are the differences:

  • Star Systems: Complete means that all planets and moons are accounted for.
  • Planets and Moons: Complete means that all flora and fauna there have been cataloged (ie. its name, primary organic resource drop, biomes, etc)

I do approximately 5 - 10 star system surveys each day, so I'll have those all complete soon. The planets and moons will take a bit longer (though many are already complete) because there are about 10x planets and moons compared to star systems.

1 October 2023

  1. I have added the maps to the Star Systems page. If you find any are missing, please let me know.
  2. I am adding a feature that will let you know if each planet, moon or star system has been completely surveyed or not. For planets and moons, that means not only have the inorganic resource been accounted for, but all of the flora and fauna are cataloged also. This is an opportunity for you to help! If you find any missing information, please post it on my Discord channel here:

30 Sept 2023

  1. Now when you look at the planetary system detail you will see both the stats for the planet/moon AND the flora and fauna that live there (if any).
  2. I have added a Star System page to the menu. I am in the process of adding maps to show you where each system is. This may take me several days to complete, but it should be a huge help.

26 Sept 2023

If you search for an item and view it, it will show you the list of components to make that item. Tha part is NOT new. However, I have added a button to that page called View Full Component List. It will show you the list of all of the components and their subcomponents, and provide you with a full list of raw materials that you need to make the object. This is especially helpful when you need to build more complex items. It will also reduce your storage needs because now you only need to store the raw materials, not any of the sub components, like Adaptive Frames and Tau Grade Rheostats. Check out the View Full Component List page for the Reactor - Advanced outpost power source!

I have also added a resource score for each system in the game. This is designed for outpost builders who would like to see all of the resources available in a single system. This reduces the need for interstellar cargo links and is a valuable tool in your outpost planning.

Contact Me

Find a bug? Have an idea for a feature? You can contact me on Discord: